Grey Lynn Residents Association Inc held its 2024 AGM on 2 December 2024 at Grey Lynn RSC, Francis Street. Here are the draft AGM minutes…
Grey Lynn Residents Association – Annual General Meeting
2 December 2024, 7:00pm
Grey Lynn RSC, Francis Street, Grey Lynn
Committee Members Present: Brandon Wilcox (Chair), Dan Salmon (minutes), David Batten, Peter Bell, John Dymond, Nicola Legat, Tania Mace
Apologies: Joanna Hurst
In attendance: Paul Shortland, Pippa Coom, Suzanne Kendrick, Alex Bonham, Dilys Johns (Sp), Richard Easther, Sandra Erikson, Alan McCullough, Jennifer Northover, Paul Stephenson, Roberta Pagani, and several others.
1. Welcome and Apologies
Brandon Wilcox welcomed everyone to our AGM at 7:10 pm.
Apologies were received from Joanna Hurst.
2. Minutes of 2023 AGM (held on 4 Dec 2023)
Minutes of the last AGM were read by Brandon Wilcox.
Resolution: That the Minutes of the 2023 AGM held on 4 December 2023 be accepted.
Moved by Tania Mace, seconded by Brandon Wilcox.
3. Activity Report
Brandon Wilcox read the Committee Report
Plan Change 78 – drifting on.
- We await further news
- Thanks to Tania Mace for work on original submission
Great North Road Improvements Project
- Has finally been confirmed.
- After much work, some compromise, and 8 years, the project is now going ahead in January ‘25
- Some disappointment in non-separation of sewerage and storm water in Potatau St area
- Thanks to AT, particularly Steve Willis
Surrey Crescent Road Resurfacing Project – a big win
- We campaigned with others for road resurfacing.
- Along with long-term solution for temporary speed bumps and hit sticks
- And completion of cycle ways, with argument dig once and get it done
- This is finally going ahead.
- We continue to advocate on behalf of residents and cyclists
- Thanks to Brandon Wilcox for work on this
Parks and Reserves
- Great progress in Grey Lynn Park – planting etc
- Thanks to Nicola Legat and Jo Hurst for work in the park
- Hakanoa Reserve: Great work continuing here
- Grey Lynn Part to Hakanoa Reserve Blue Green Corridor: Jo Hurst has been working with council on planning this corridor
Defence Force Pocket Park Proposal
- David continues to work on this.
- Has been told by Hon Judith Collins that there are plans for a carpark.
- We will continue to push for a park
Arch Hill Advocacy
- David Batten continues to advocate for Arch Hill residents on behavioural issues, lighting concerns, liaising with AT
Quiet Sky Waitematā – Coxs Bay helicopter application
- We have been active supporting the Quiet Sky group
Western Isthmus Stormwater and Wastewater Upgrades Community Liaison Group
- Work on the Central Interceptor continues, it will have a massive impact on storm water and sewerage overflows in our area
- Thanks to Paul Shortland for his work on this
Website and Facebook
- David Batten has maintained our Facebook presence, and Arch Hill matters FB, both continue to show positive growth.
- Brandon maintains website and email subscribers. Numbers continue to be strong and email subscribers have high open and click-through rates.
Constitution – new legislation for incorporated societies
- GLRA is incorporated under Incorporated Societies Act 1908.
- A new act was passed in 2022 – the Incorporated Societies Act 2022.
- We need to reregister under the new act.
- We have been preparing a new constitution to meet the 2022 Act – to be tabled today.
- Thanks to Brandon, Pete and Dan for work on this.
- Surplus for year of $328
- Thanks to sponsorship from Marc Collins of Barfoot and Thompson Grey Lynn
- Thanks to Paul Shortland for work and at cost subscription
- Thanks to Tania Mace for work on finance as ‘not the treasurer’
- To Tania ‘not-the-treasurer’ Mace and Dan ‘not-the-secretary’ Salmon for supporting the committee while these positions are vacant.
- To Paul Shortland for his off-the-committee work and support.
- To Alex Bonham for work between Waitemata Local Board and GLRA
- David and Brandon were presented with Good Citizens Awards by Auckland Council’s Waitematā Local Board.
- Tania launched new book The Near West – A history of Grey Lynn, Arch Hill and Westmere.
Notable Passing
- We acknowledge the passing of Nikki Kaye, who has been a friend of GLRA.
Resolution: That the Committee report be accepted.
Moved by Tania Mace, seconded by David Batten.
4. Financial Report
Brandon presented the Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2024.
A surplus of $328 has been recorded for the year to 31 March 2024. Grant income of $520 has been recognised, being the remaining Community-Led Vision grant following the discharge of the society’s obligations. The only expenditure is the Xero subscription of $190 for the year. Cash at Bank is $691, a decrease of $190.
Resolution: That the financial report for the year ended 31 March 2024 be approved.
Moved by Brandon Wilcox, seconded by Tania Mace.
5. Election of Committee Members
Brandon Wilcox noted that Nicola Legat and Dan Salmon are entering the second year of their two year term.
David Batten, Peter Bell, John Dymond, Joanna Hurst, Tania Mace and Brandon Wilcox have come to the end of their two-year terms and all are prepared to stand for re-election.
The election of committee members followed:
Resolution: That David Batten, Peter Bell, John Dymond, Joanna Hurst, Tania Mace and Brandon Wilcox be elected to the committee.
Moved by Paul Shortland, seconded by Suzanne Kendrick.
6. Constitution
Brandon tabled the new constitution. It was circulated to committee some time ago, and has been available on website.
Resolution: That the updated constitution be accepted.
Moved by Brandon Wilcox, seconded by Nicola Legat.
7. General Business
Guest speakers:
Paul Stephenson Chair of GLBA:
- Explains status of GLBA as volunteer organisation
- GLBA has been bidding for Business Improvement District status with local businesses
- The status gathers funds to be spent on local beautification, business growth and development.
- They have run a campaign with 800 businesses and landlords in the Grey Lynn area.
- Their campaign was successful, with good support from businesses.
- Now they need to rework their constitution to sign off on final BID proposal, and set up infrastructure.
- Is likely to start July 1 2025 and will take about one year to get up and running.
- The BID vote lasts forever, and so local business will have ongoing advocacy and development.
- Thank you to many people in the room who have helped along the way.
- Pippa Coom acknowledges what an amazing achievement this is. 14 years in the making.
- Sandra Eriksen asked about expanding into Pt Chev. Paul replied that they need to get Grey Lynn up and running first.
- Alex Bonham encouraged people to join the business association. It doesn’t cost to join, but if you occupy commercial premises you do then have to pay the levy and have a vote about where it is spent.
- Paul looks forward to ongoing relationship with GLRA
Sandra Erikson Pt Chev:
- Concerns about lack of library for 4 years.
- Finally getting a new library – hopefully in May
- Town Square has become a hang out space for drunks and drug addicts.
- Recent death there.
- Police presence has helped
- Businesses are struggling.
- Created a small committee and considering setting up a residents association, but it’s been a long slog.
- Smaller area than Grey Lynn.
- Discussion about Pt Chev continues with Richard Easther
- Noted time scales of work we have done, and our positivity.
- They will continue to consider formalising their group.
Roberta (Bobbi) Pagani:
- Accessibility issues
- Bobbi has lived in Grey Lynn for 39 years.
- Bobbi struggles to walk and uses a rollator.
- Sees that Grey Lynn wants to be a liveable city and has come to advocate for people with mobility issues.
- She has had people grabbing her rollator in situations like trying to get on a bus, and try to help without asking. Including trying to grab her rollator and pull it. When it’s pulled it’s pulled away from her which is not helpful.
- Bobbi would like people to ask before the touch her rollator.
- She might like a hand but it needs to be done in a helpful way.
- Also, her body has become public property since she’s had the rollator, gets unwelcome touching from people ‘helping’.
- Bobbi has complained to Auckland transport because bus drivers ‘help’ in unhelpful ways.
Next AGM
Monday 11 August 2025
The meeting closed at 8:21 PM.