Auckland Transport is about to begin a trial to reduce speed and improve the safety of students of Grey Lynn Primary School on Surrey Crescent.
The trial changes will be rolled out from late June and could last for 18 months. They will affect Surrey Crescent, Browning Street, Firth Road and Selbourne Street.
They include new pick-up and drop-off zones, street art, speed bumps, road markings and kerb build-outs to slow cars down, and planter boxes that the pupils will help to plant.
If the trial is successful, it could lead to a permanent solution, which will take on board feedback collected from the community during the trial.
Construction is likely to start around June 8 and to be complete by late June. Construction will be well outside of school hours.
The trial will be reviewed after the first six weeks and adaptations will be made in the first two to six weeks, based on school and community feedback, tube counts, and on-site observations.
Residents can email AT their feedback via a Have Your Say page which will be live once the trial is in place. In the meantime they can email ATengagement@AT.govt.nz
The street artwork shown above weaves together Pasifika and Māori artwork. It was chosen by the school from a range of options.
This trial is part of AT’s Safe School Speeds projects, which are focused on lowering operating speed around school to 30km. That speed has been identified as the survivable speed for an adult. Lower operating speeds in school zones also provide drivers with more reaction time when stopping.
There has been a serious injury crash on Surrey Crescent and the school reports a lot of near misses and concerns about vehicle speeds in the approach to school crossings.