Around Grey Lynn are pockets of green on public land tended by residents. We profile Hakanoa Reserve bee gardens and other green initiatives.
Taking the green initiative
A walk around the neighbourhood turns up all sorts of examples of local people pulling on their gumboots and getting out their spades to make Grey Lynn more green. Not party political Green but green as in plants.
Hakanoa Reserve
Hakanoa Reserve, the little gully in the reserve between Sackville and Hakanoa streets, is being transformed into a gorgeous patch of well-cared for native bush, with plenty of room for seedlings to strike and grow. Nearby the once neglected bee garden is being carefully tended.

Warnock Street & Dryden Street
On Warnock Street, neighbours have planted citrus trees on their berms, as has a house in Dryden Street in recent days.

Grey Lynn Park
On the slopes of Grey Lynn Park a no-mow area is letting a natural environment for plants and insects develop on what used to be a steep bank regularly scalped by weed trimmers.
Start a project of your own
There are so many pockets that need some TLC and which the Council hasn’t the resource to look after so we say, go for it Grey Lynn! It’s a great way to get together with your neighbours on a shared project.

Even if you don’t want to plant, with a dry spring and summer coming, everyone can help look after young trees on berms near our homes.
A lot of trees didn’t make it through last summer’s big dry so if you can help them along with a bucket of water every couple of weeks they have a good chance of survival this year.