• 03 Te Rimu sculpture
  • 02 Great North Road Grey Lynn Mural
  • 01 Our Hood

Thank You!

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And now, could you do us a favour?

Grey Lynn Residents Association Inc is a voluntary, not-for-profit organisation. We depend on the goodwill of people like you to cover our small operating costs so we can keep you informed and keep serving our community.

If everyone reading this gave $15, our fundraiser would be done within a week. Please take one minute to keep us going for another year by donating whatever you can today. Suggested donation amounts…

  • $25
  • $15
  • $10

Our internet banking details…

  • ANZ Account No: 01-0204-0120637-00
  • Enter your name in the payment details so we know who to say thank you to.

And from all of us, a big thank you!

Grey Lynn Residents Association