• 03 Te Rimu sculpture
  • 02 Great North Road Grey Lynn Mural
  • 01 Our Hood

Westmere & Pt Chev Face Major Cycle & Pedestrian Changes – Feedback Wanted

Auckland TransportAuckland Transport (AT) is planning new walking & cycling facilities in Pt Chev & Westmere. They want your feedback to help them improve the route’s design.

The project is intended to provide a safe and appealing route for people on bikes with a range of confidence levels, as well as major improvements for pedestrians.

It will provide links to local places of interest, including Point Chevalier town centre, Westmere shops, Seddon Fields, Meola Park and MOTAT Aviation.

AT wants your feedback to help them improve the design of this route, before they progress to the detailed design phase of the project.

For more information, and to fill out an online feedback form, please visit at.govt.nz/projects-roadworks/pt-chevalier-to-westmere/.

Key benefits of this project include…

  • Safe cycling facilities for Point Chevalier Road, Meola Road, and Garnet Road, physically separated from traffic where possible.
  • Layout changes to key intersections to improve safety: Point Chevalier Road/Meola Road; Meola Road/Garnet Road.
  • Improvements to side road intersections to slow traffic, improve visibility and create a safer road environment for all users.
  • Upgrade of an existing pedestrian refuge opposite 21 Meola Road, to a zebra crossing.
  • A new pedestrian crossing on Point Chevalier Road near the Formby Avenue/Wakatipu Street intersection.
  • Upgrade of an existing zebra crossing on Point Chevalier Road north of the Tui Street intersection to a signalised pedestrian crossing.

You can also give AT feedback in person, on…

  • Saturday 8 April, 10:00am – 2:30pm at Point Chevalier Library, 1221 Great North Road, Point Chevalier
  • Wednesday 12 April 5:00pm – 8:00pm at Nomad Restaurant & Bar, 5 Point Chevalier Road, Point Chevalier

Public feedback is open until Sunday 23April.


  1. john elliott says

    Until cars are banned from our roads I will continue to drive mine to local places i want to go to.
    I support cycling and would encourage youngies to get a bike and use the new routes which AT are providing

Grey Lynn Residents Association