What’s happening with Grey Lynn Park playground and other developments? Our park was a haven for us during lockdown and we’re keen to see it thriving.
Waitematā Local Board member Adriana Alverado Christie and Auckland Council Area Operations Manager Mark Miller kindly answered our questions.
Grey Lynn Park playground
Q. Are there any plans for Board investment in the small playground near the pump track and the installation of some decent new play equipment?
“The Board can apply their playground renewal budget for individual items where required and agreed as a priority over other sites, but there are no plans for a full playground renewal/upgrade.”
Grey Lynn Park playground – flying fox
Q. The flying fox has been out of action for well over a year. When will it be repaired?
“We’re working to get it operational again in the next few weeks.”
Q. A large tree was removed from the slope up at the Williamson Ave end of the park earlier this year. What was the reason and will there be replanting on that slope?
“The tree (a pest plant species) was structurally unsound and posed a risk to park users. We are planning to replace the tree next planting season.”
Demolished athletics clubrooms
Q. What is the plan for the space where the demolished old athletics clubrooms were? Will this area be replanted?
“We will be reinstating the concrete footpath and carrying out some landscaping improvements in that area (top soiling, mulching, grass seeding). There may be options for future planting, but that is out of the current project scope.”

New changing rooms & toilet block
Q. When is the new changing room and toilet block due to open?
“Dependent on potential delays (weather etc), the new change room facility is due to be completed by late September 2020. Final opening date to be confirmed and is subject to the issuing of the code of compliance certificate.”
If you have any comments or questions about Grey Lynn Park playground, trees, developments, etc or if there are things you’d like the Local Board and Council to fund please let us know by leaving a comment below or emailing us at hello@greylynnresidents.org.nz
When is the council going to fix the open drain beside the track on the western side opposite the Rovers building? The noxious looking puddle has been there for months.