• 03 Te Rimu sculpture
  • 02 Great North Road Grey Lynn Mural
  • 01 Our Hood

Grey Lynn Park – Proposed Changing Rooms & Toilet Facility

Waitemata Local Board has sent us an indicative artistic impression of the changing and toilet facility planned for Grey Lynn Park.

Here’s what Waitemata Local Board said to us…

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Make Meola Road Safe! New Zebra Crossing

Western Springs College is petitioning Waitemata Local Board to make Meola Rd safe for WSC students by installing a pedestrian crossing to the bus stop.

Sign the petition here »

Here’s what WSC Travel Wise says in their petition…

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Latest news on the poisoned plane trees in Selbourne Street

The trees poisoned last year are still hanging in there, and one in particular has thrown up a lot of new growth. As a result of a GLRA enquiry, the Council arborist has agreed to leave them standing for now to see what eventuates. The dead limbs will be pruned back, however, and neighbours will be notified via a letter drop when work is about to commence.

Submission on the Proposed Changes to the Waitemata and Gulf Ward Boundaries

Auckland Council has been consulting on electoral boundaries and representation, which included Waitematā and Gulf Ward boundary changes. We submitted on this proposal…

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Proposed changes to the Policy on Dogs and Dog Management Bylaw

Proposed changes to the Policy on Dogs and Dog Management Bylaw

Auckland Council reviewed the current Policy on Dogs and Dog Management Bylaw in November 2018 and is proposing changes to improve dog management in Auckland…

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GLRA Submission on Proposed New Speed Limits Bylaw 2019

GLRA Submission on Proposed New Speed Limits Bylaw 2019

Auckland Transport called for submissions on their proposed speed limit bylaw in February. Following is GLRA’s submission…

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Chair’s report for AGM November 2018

It has been another very busy year for the committee of the Grey Lynn Residents’ Association, which has had several key issues to address during the year.

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Residents Parking Zone Grey Lynn & Arch Hill Goes Live 7 December

The go-live date for the residents parking zone Grey Lynn & Arch Hill is 7 December 2018. AT is posting letters this week to in-zone residents & businesses.

It’s what the majority of locals have been waiting for and it’s finally here! The new residents parking zones in Grey Lynn and Arch Hill will provide greater parking availability for local residents, businesses and visitors to the area.  [Read more…]

AGM 2018

You are invited to attend the annual Grey Lynn Residents Association AGM as follows…


Where: Upstairs, Grey Lynn RSC, 1 Francis Street, Grey Lynn
When: 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. Monday 3 December 2018


  • Welcome
  • Minutes of the 2017 AGM
  • Chair’s report
  • Financial report
  • Election of committee members
  • Amendments to constitution
    • Increase number of appointed committee members from 2 to 3 and committee meeting quorum from 4 to 5
    • Standardise notice period for all Meetings
  • General business

Meeting closes at 9:00 p.m.

Residents Parking Grey Lynn – Locals Slam Proposal; AT Backs Down

Arch Hill & Grey Lynn Residential Parking Zone Map
Auckland Transport reverses Residents Parking Grey Lynn decision after being slammed by locals angry about the proposed half & half P120/unrestricted zones.

Following extensive consultation and record submissions, Auckland Transport (AT) announced its decision on the Arch Hill and Grey Lynn residential parking zone last month.  [Read more…]

Ward Boundary Changes… Grey Lynn Split in Two?

Auckland Council is proposing Waitemata and Gulf Ward boundary changes to split off part of Grey Lynn and all of Westmere into the Albert-Eden-Roskill Ward.

Auckland Council is currently seeking submissions on proposed alterations to the Waitemata and Gulf Ward boundaries that would see part of Grey Lynn and all of [Read more…]

Western Springs Lakeside Te Wai Orea park – Have your say!

Changes to Western Springs are coming. Waitemata Local Board wants your feedback on the draft Western Springs Lakeside Te Wai Orea park development plan.

With the help of mana whenua and the Western Springs stakeholder Group, [Read more…]

Controversial Arch Hill & Grey Lynn Residential Parking Zone Confirmed

Arch Hill & Grey Lynn Residential Parking Zone
Auckland Transport releases final plan for Arch Hill & Grey Lynn residential parking zone – and it’s not what you thought! Find out how it affects you…

Auckland Transport (AT) consulted widely on the proposed residential parking zone. 30% of submitters fully support the proposal and another 30% indicated support only if changes were made to the proposal.

40% of submitters do not support residential parking zones.  [Read more…]

The future of Auckland’s transport – an important Auckland Council survey

Auckland's transport plans - have your say
Tell Auckland Council what you think of their transport plans and you’ll go into the draw to win 1 of 10 $50 vouchers.

Give your feedback now »

Here’s your chance to share your feedback on two documents that will shape Auckland’s transport over the next decade…  [Read more…]

Auckland Council wants to hear from YOU!

Auckland Council logo
Auckland Council Long Term Plan & Local Board 2018/19 consultation, hosted by Grey Lynn Residents Association.

  • When: Thursday 8 March 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
  • Where: Grey Lynn Library Hall

[Read more…]

Chair’s report for AGM November 2017

It has been another very busy year for the committee of the Grey Lynn Residents Association, which has had several key issues to address during the year…

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REMINDER: Have your say on the future look of Great North Road…

If you haven’t already, we really want your feedback on Great North Road.

Go Here Now: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8788Y3Y

[Read more…]

Residential Parking Zones Proposed for Grey Lynn & Arch Hill

These parking problems are why we need residential parking zones
Earlier this year the net of city fringe residential parking zones was widened to include Ponsonby, where many properties have no off-street parking.

Residential parking zones in Ponsonby have had a domino effect on Grey Lynn, with many streets now clogged up with commuter parking and residents struggling to find a car park.

Auckland Transport is now proposing [Read more…]

AGM 2017

You are invited to attend the annual Grey Lynn Residents Association AGM as follows…


Where: Upstairs, Grey Lynn RSC, 1 Francis Street, Grey Lynn
When: 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. Thursday 30 November 2017


Minutes of the 2016 AGM
Chair’s report
Financial report
Election of committee members
General business
Meeting closes at 9:00 p.m.

Have your say on the future look of Great North Road…

Grey Lynn Residents Association is developing a community-led vision for Great North Road from Ponsonby Road corner to the Surrey Crescent shops.

We want to understand the opportunities and challenges for this portion of Great North Rd from your perspective, so we’re running an online survey.

Have your say here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8788Y3Y

And to thank you for taking the time out, you’ll go into the draw for a spot prize! We have…  [Read more…]

Waitemata Local Board Plan 2017 – Have Your Say on the Draft 2017 Plan

Waitemata Local Board Plan 2017 – Have Your Say on the Draft 2017 Plan
The draft Waitemata Local Board Plan 2017 sets out proposed priorities for the next 3 years & guides what the local board aims to achieve for the community.

Come along and discuss your concerns and ideas about plans for your community.

Here’s what to do…

[Read more…]

Westmere & Pt Chev Face Major Cycle & Pedestrian Changes – Feedback Wanted

Auckland TransportAuckland Transport (AT) is planning new walking & cycling facilities in Pt Chev & Westmere. They want your feedback to help them improve the route’s design.

The project is intended to provide a safe and appealing route for people on bikes with a range of confidence levels, as well as major improvements for pedestrians.

It will provide [Read more…]

Fatal Dog Attack in Grey Lynn Park – Malamute or Husky + Woman Owner

A local resident has reported a distressing dog attack in the Elgin Street car park across the road from the main entrance to Grey Lynn Park.

Key facts of the dog attack

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Looking for work? We need someone to run this community project…

We need a facilitator. Are you a consultant (marketing, management, communications, research), university student, or have research and analytical skills?

Grey Lynn Residents Association (GLRA) is working with Auckland Council to develop a community-led vision for the Great North Road ridge between Ponsonby Road and Surrey Crescent shops.

We need someone to run the research phase of this project.

[Read more…]

Grey Lynn Repair Cafe

Our good friends at Grey Lynn 2030 are running Grey Lynn’s first ever Repair Cafe from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Saturday 18 February. Bring your broken stuff!

What is a repair cafe?

It’s where you bring along something in need of repair and a team of volunteer experts will repair it for you, and show you how the repair is done if you wish.

Examples of items you might want to bring in for repair are  [Read more…]